25 Person Packages, ANSI/OSHA Compliance Packages, First Aid Only Bulk First Aid Kits (1 Kit) Reviews
These compliance packages exceed federal OSHA requirements, meet ANSI standards, and cover four compliance issues: First aid, blood borne pathogen, personal protection and CPR. Wall mountable, durable plastic kits. 50 person package includes: Bulk First Aid Kit 100 ea 1" x 3" Adhesive plastic bandages 2 ea 2" x 4" Elbow & knee plastic bandages 3 ea 1- 3/4" x 3" Large fingertip fabric bandages 3 ea 1- 1/2" x 3" Knuckle fabric bandage 1 ea 3" x 5" yd Latex free elastic bandage 1 ea 40" x 40" x 56" Triangular sling/bandage 2 ea 2" x 4.1 yd Conforming gauze roll bandages 1 ea 5" x 9" Trauma pad 6 ea 3" x 3" Gauze dressing pads, 3 2-pks 2 ea 4" x 4" Gauze dressing pads, 1 2-pack 2 ea Sterile eye pads 12 ea Alcohol cleansing pads 12 ea Antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free) 6 ea Insect sting relief pads 6 ea Triple antibiotic ointment packs 6 ea First aid/burn cream, 0.9 gm packs 1 ea 4" x 5" Instant cold compress 1 ea Eye wash, 4 oz 20 ea Aspirin tablets, 10 2-pks 1 ea 1/2" x 5 yd First aid tape roll 1 ea 4" Tweezers, plastic 1 ea 4- 1/2" Scissors, nickel plated 4 ea Exam quality gloves, 2 pairs 1 ea 96 page AMA First Aid Guide booklet Blood Borne Pathogen/Personal Protection Kit 1 ea Fluid control solidifier pack, 21 gm pack 1 ea 8" Biohazard scoop 1 ea Disposable gown w/full sleeves 2 ea Disposable shoe covers 1 ea Disposable bonnet 2 ea 24" x 24" Biohazard bags, 10 gallon capacity 2 ea Clear bags w/twist ties 3 ea Disposable clean-up towels 2 ea Exam quality vinyl gloves, 1 pair 1 ea Eye shield with ear loop mask 3 ea Antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free) 2 ea 5" x 8" Germicidal wipes (kills germs), covers 7.5 sq ft 1 set CPR pack includes: 1 Rescue Breather CPR one-way valve faceshield, 2 large latex gloves and 3 antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free) 1 ea Bodily fluid pick-up guide
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May 01, 2011 05:59:07